Leonhard Euler and the seven bridges of Konigsberg: The beginning of Graph Theory

Today is the 306th birthday of Leonhard Euler, a great mathematician who developed different insights not only in mathematics, but also in Physics disciplines like mechanics, optics and astronomy. He developed a lot of work in mathematics among which he stated the bases of Graph Theory and Topology. It was solving a problem related withContinueContinue reading “Leonhard Euler and the seven bridges of Konigsberg: The beginning of Graph Theory”

Network Structure

The importance of the networks is being extended to the technological and economic systems, which are becoming in real complex networks. This complexity and the instability of the behaviour of these systems put them in a high risk of turning localized breakdowns that evolve into cascading failures and or financial crisis. A network analysis ofContinueContinue reading “Network Structure”


  Networks Today is a time of connectedness. Modern society is facing a great spectrum of forms to express their ideas and connect with people into the whole world. This connectedness may develop different sources of information. In fact, the connectedness is a source of information. From all the social networks that in this momentContinueContinue reading “Networks”